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The Battle of Polytopia


Game introduction

Game Highlights

The Battle of Polytopia, developed by Midjiwan AB, is a turn-based strategy game that offers an immersive and challenging gameplay experience. One of the game’s highlights is its unique pixel art style, which combines vibrant colors and charming graphics to create a visually appealing world. The game also features a rich and diverse range of civilizations to choose from, each with its own unique abilities and units, providing players with various strategic options.

In addition to its aesthetics, The Battle of Polytopia also boasts a compelling gameplay loop. Players start with a small tribe and gradually expand their civilization by exploring the map, building cities, researching technologies, and training armies to conquer rival tribes. The game offers different victory conditions, such as domination, economy, and technology, providing players with multiple paths to victory and encouraging replayability.

The Battle of Polytopia also offers multiplayer options, allowing players to compete against friends or other players online. This adds a social element to the game, as players can form alliances, negotiate, and wage wars in a dynamic and challenging multiplayer environment.

How to play

To play The Battle of Polytopia, you need to install the game from your app store and create an account. You can choose to play offline or online, against AI or other players, and in different modes, such as domination, perfection, or creative.

Once you start a game, you are presented with a bitmap world map, with various terrain types, such as land, water, mountains, forests, and deserts. You can zoom in and out, swipe to move the screen, and tap to select and interact with units and cities.

You have a limited number of actions per turn, which can be used for moving units, exploring, attacking, producing, or researching. You can also use special abilities, such as cutting down forests, fishing, or healing.

Your goal is to achieve one of the victory conditions, such as conquering all other tribes, mastering all technologies, or having the highest score after a certain number of turns. You can also set your own goals and challenges, such as building a giant statue, discovering a hidden treasure, or befriending a neutral tribe.

Pros and cons

One of the major strengths of The Battle of Polytopia is its replayability. With multiple civilizations to choose from, each with its own unique abilities and units, players can experiment with different strategies and playstyles in each playthrough. The game’s different victory conditions also add to its replay value, as players can try to achieve victory through various means, providing a fresh experience with each game. However, there are some shortcomings that could be improved. The AI opponents can be too passive or too aggressive, depending on the difficulty level, and they often behave irrationally, such as attacking you with weak units or neglecting to defend their cities. The multiplayer mode suffers from connectivity issues and lag, and there is no way to communicate with other players or form alliances.


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